Sunday, November 4, 2012

Our Next Chapter

On Friday morning Cody got an email from Salus University in Pennsylvania and he GOT ACCEPTED! We will be making our move to Pennsylvania the end of July and couldn't be more excited. How this will all happen in a nutshell: He will start school the beginning of August and he will do one full year of book work there. Once he is done with that we will come back to the Idaho Falls area where he will do his rotations for another year and where ever he gets hired on thats where we will end up.
This has been an answer to our prayers and we both know that this is where we need to go and what we need to be doing in our lives.Yes, we are going to be clear across the country, but we are going to love every minute we are there. We have so much to see and so many places to go, but more importantly this is an adventure we will never forget! I am so proud of Cody and I know he works so hard with everything he sets his mind to.

1 comment:

  1. Hooray!!!! I'm so excited for you. I was seriously going to text you today and see if Cody had heard back. You guys will have so much fun.
